Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's another BOY!!!!

It look three times, but finally we were able to find out that we were having another boy! I felt all along it was going to be another boy but last week everyone got into my head and so I convinced myself I had been wrong and said it was going to be a girl. So this morning was definitly quite a shock to Steve and I. We have been hit with a big snow storm and I've been sick for four days now so heading into the city I was feeling blah and nervous that our baby wouldn't cooperate again. This time I went earlier in the day and made sure to have breakfast before we went. So it was a big relief to find out that our baby was in the correct position this time. When the nurse asked what we already had I told her a boy and so she asked what we would like this time around. I told her I'd love another boy and Steve said he would like a girl (seems we both wanted what we wished for the first time around again). Steve then proceeded to tell the doctor that the profile looked like a boy to him which made her laugh and she responsed that there was no way to know by looking at the profile. So then she did the money shot and I told her it was a girl b/c I saw three lines. She laughed again and asked where I saw them exactly so I pointed them out to which she said "that is really funny b/c I see a penis and two balls, so I guess your husbands profile guess was correct". We were shocked to say the least and i had tears in my eyes I was so happy and excited to know we were having another boy. Steve's response was exactly the same as it was when I told him we were having a boy with Max. i guess things never change haha. We are both soooo excited to be having another boy and now I feel like this pregnancy has gotten a lot more real. Now we just need to come up with a name :)

Weekly Belly Picture- 20 weeks

How far along? 20 Weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: 9 Pounds
Body Changes? Cute Belly, although I seem much smaller than I was with Max (or maybe it's all in my head) Hair is still not growing like it did with Max.
Sleep: Sleeping awful because I have a horrible cold. I've been home sick in bed for four days now and haven't been to work for two. Going to see a doctor this afternoon.
Best moment this week: Finding out what we are having!
Baby Gender: Well I guess I was right all along....we are having another BOY!!!
Food Cravings: none
Symptoms: A lot but none pregnancy related. I'm just very sick at the moment with the worst cough and sore throat. Stuffy nose, body and headaches. I've never had a sore throat like this with so much mucus that is hard to break up.
Movement: Here and there I can feel some light kicks although less since I've gotten sick which had me worried but today's ultrasound showed everything was fine.
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the new nursery. Max will be moving into the bigger room and our newest little man will be moving into his old room.
Milestones: Finding out we were having another boy, I'm ecstatic!

Monday, December 20, 2010

I took my father to the anatomy screening today and walked away with mixed emotions. I was elated to see that my baby was doing well and on time growth wise, but I was also majorly disappointed we weren't able to find out the sex. I had brought my father for that reason and we walked away empty handed. It will still nice to have him there and know our baby is measuring 19 weeks 4 days and weights 7 ounces. I won't get the results of the test until we go back next week since our baby wouldnt' turn around so we could see its face and heart. So Tuesday Steve and I go for an 8 am appointment and I'm hoping this time we can find out the sex. I have a feeling it will be a girl now since I didn't see anything dangling on the ultrasound haha The names we have so far come up with are:

Girl: Mia June Villanueva

Boy: Benjamin Grayson Villanueva

Christmas is a few days aways so we will celebrate with our family and are looking forward to our next appointment.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 19 weeks

How far along? 19 Weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 7 pounds
Body Changes? Cute Belly, hair is not growing like it did with Max. My bikini, legs, arm pits and eyebrows are not growing as fast as they usually do. The woman pointed it out to me when I went to get my eyebrows done and she is right.
Sleep: Sleeping well. I've been tired and enjoy taking naps during the weekend.
Best moment this week: Receiving a beautiful purse for my birthday from my parents.
Baby Gender: I can't believe tomorrow we will be finding out the sex of our next little one. I am so excited and yet nervous at the same time. I just want to know that everything is okay and our baby is healthy. I'm taking my dad with me tomorrow which will be a fun experience to share with him. He thinks it will be a girl, and I believe a boy. I'm very convinced it is a boy so it should be interesting to see if I'm right or if my mother who has appeared twice in my dreams is correct predicting it will be a girl.
Food Cravings: Brie and pretzels
Symptoms: Today was the first time I've had a headache in weeks.
Movement: Once or twice a day I can feel very light kicks. I really love feeling my baby inside me kick, there is nothing better than that.
What I am looking forward to: Taking my dad to the anatomy screening tomorrow and finding out the sex.
Milestones: Feeling baby move and watching Steve do the weather after 1.5 year hiatus.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 18 weeks

How far along? 18 Weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
Body Changes? Cute Belly, big boobs.
Sleep: Sleeping well. I was very tired this week going to bed reallyyyy early.
Best moment this week: Feeling my little move.
Baby Gender: Still sticking with boy. If I go with my gut it's saying boy. If I go with my moms ghost ( i know weird haha) talking to me in my dreams it is a girl. Will be interesting to see who is right :)
Food Cravings: none
Symptoms: Haven't had a headache because I've been drinking coffee. Very tired.
Movement: I can feel very light kicks once in a while. I forgot how much I loved feeling them!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex in one week!
Milestones: Feeling baby move and watching Steve do the weather after 1.5 year hiatus.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 17 weeks

How far along? 17 Weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
Body Changes? Small belly, feel like i've lost a little weight from working out.
Sleep: Sleeping well, peeing more during night.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Max's first birthday and hearing baby number 2's heartbeat during the party....it came in at 143
Baby Gender: I have switched and am going with my original thought of a boy.
Food Cravings: none
Symptoms: Headaches have subsided since the doctor told me to drink caffeine daily which has helped A LOT. Been cramping a little when I overdue it and need to remember to relax more which is difficult for me.
Movement: Nothing yet.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex in two weeks!
Milestones: Had a wonderful week at Necker Island and got lots of sun and sports in.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 16 weeks

How far along? 16 Weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 7 pounds
Body Changes? I'm sporting a cute belly. On able to wear maternity clothes now. Luckily I got spoiled by dad and he bought me a bunch of new maternity outfits.
Sleep: Sleeping well but have to get up more during night to pee and drink water. I'm getting very dehydrated during the night.
Best moment this week: Seeing the little munchkin at the doctors office. He/She was perfect!
Baby Gender: I'm still going with girl although doubt is creeping in since most people see me and are saying boy again.
Food Cravings: none
Symptoms: Headaches have subsided since the doctor told me to drink caffeine daily which has helped A LOT.
Movement: Nothing yet.
What I am looking forward to: Vacation! Leaving for Necker Island on Monday and can't wait!
Milestones: The anatomy date has been set! December 20th we find out the sex of our baby number 2!

Monday, November 22, 2010

16 Week Doctors Visit

Today I went to the doctors hoping she would perform an ultra sound on me and tell me the sex of our little one. The doctor did end up performing one, but sadly the baby didn't feel like uncrossing his/her legs and the chord was in the way so she wasn't able to tell us. December 20th is our anatomy screening so we will find out then, I can't wait. Either way, I was head over heals in love with this little one. The munchkin was laying there with one arm stretched out and the other touching its face. She/he looked perfect and was soooo cute I can't wait to hold him/her in my arms and give it all the love in the world. She told me that the NT results were perfect and really really good which was great news. I told her about my awful headaches and she said it was perfectly normal and it would subside around 20 weeks. She said it was due to all the blood my body was making and in my head and in order to relieve the symptoms I have to drink caffeine and take tylenol. I prefer the caffeine instead of the drugs and today was much better having had coffee. She also said between weeks 16 through 20 weeks I will gain the largest amount of weight which is exactly where I'm at...great :) I did get spoiled yesterday by my dad who bought me a TON of maternity clothes after my sister was sweet enough to take me and pick out my new wardrobe with me. It's amazing how a nice set of clothing can make you feel like a new person. On top of it I got my hair colored and cut which has made this past weekend a great success.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 15 weeks

How far along? 15 Weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
Body Changes? My belly is getting bigger and you can definitely tell I'm pregnant. My breasts are much bigger and I wear bras at all times.
Sleep: Sleeping well but have to get up more during night to pee and drink water.
Best moment this week: Max seeing his cousins from Cali today.
Baby Gender: Since we find out on Monday I'm going with girl. I keep referring to the little one as a she which I didn't do with Max.
Food Cravings: Tea at night.
Symptoms: Still have awful headaches although a little less now that I'm trying to drink more water.
Movement: Nothing yet.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender on Monday and thanksgiving!!!
Milestones: I got my hair colored finally and now feel better about myself :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 14 weeks

How far along? 14 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 4 pounds
Body Changes? Belly is a bit harder.
Sleep: Sleeping well, have a little more energy.
Best moment this week: Having a dream of baby 2.
Baby Gender: Leaning towards boy, but I had my first dream and it was a girl. I didn't see her though unlike the dreams I had with Max where I saw him vividly so I'm not sure if it counts.
Food Cravings: Still craving roast beef sandwiches, tea and apple sauce.
What I miss: Free time.
Symptoms: Still have bad headaches, however have been headache free for two days since I doubled my water intake. I'm up to 3 liters a day and it helps. Still peeing more.
Movement: Nothing yet.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender. I REALLY want to know!
Milestones: Avoiding dessert.

Monday, November 8, 2010

NT Results

I'm happy to report that my test results were great.

For Down Syndrome Trisomy 21:

Avg. for my age: 1-572

My score: 1-8317

Trisomy 13 & 18:

Avg for my age: 1-1012

My score: 1- >10,0000

The nurse said I had the results of a 20 year old...what a relief that my little nugget had such great results.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 13 weeks

How far along? 13 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 3.5 pounds
Body Changes? I have a small belly now although I'm sure a lot of it is the leftover fat from the first pregnancy :). Breast are larger. Face filling out more.
Sleep: Sleep well, still very tired, although getting up to pee more.
Best moment this week: Steve getting offered the weekend weather job in New Haven.
Baby Gender: Leaning towards boy, which probably means I'm having a girl since up until this point with Max I believe I was having a girl :)
Food Cravings: Still craving roast beef sandwiches with extra mayo and mustard and clementines
What I miss: Vacations. I sure could use one right now. Good thing we are going away soon.
Symptoms: Still have bad headaches, I'm very stiff in my shoulders and neck. Peeing more.
Movement: Nothing yet. Sometimes I get something that feels like a kick, but I know it's not possible.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender in three weeks. Also I'd like to workout, still haven't gone to the gym.
Milestones: Been going to bed earlier.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

NT Test

Today Steve and I went to the hospital to get the NT test done. They pricked my finger and took blood which didn't hurt at the time, but after all the squeezing I could barely hold a pen later that day it was black and blue. The ultra sound was amazing, my heart filled with so much love seeing our little nugget, and he/she was soooo cute moving its hands around. The nugget looked perfect! The technician said everything looked good, but we won't know the test results for another week. The heartbeat was 160 and the measurement was below 3mm (I think she said 1.7mm and 2mm), but I'll say for sure next week when I have the results. I just hope everything comes back fine.

After the test we went to Dr. Dobrenis office for our regular check up and were seen an hour late. The person before me had just suffered a miscarriage for the third time. She had gotten a heartbeat two weeks ago and was super excited and today she lost the baby. It really makes you feel grateful for having such an easy pregnancy because not everyone has that. Sadly my boss didn't feel that way and was mad I missed the open and was gone so long. To say I was nervous to go back to work is an understatement but the health of my baby comes first and I'm just so happy I got to see him/her today! I can't wait to hold you in my arms little nugget and introduce you to your big brother!

Weekly Belly Picture- 12 weeks

How far along? 12 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 4 pounds
Body Changes? I have a small belly now. Breast are larger. Face filling out more.
Sleep: Sleep well, still very tired.
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby today. I'm already head over heels for this baby and can't wait to meet him/her.
Baby Gender: Still thinking boy, although when I saw the little monkey on the ultrasound I thought girl haha
Food Cravings: roast beef sandwiches with extra mayo and mustard...no wonder my face is filling out :)
What I miss: Not being able to see my little nugget for another month!
Symptoms: Bad headaches, I'm very stiff in my shoulders and neck. My lower back is messed up.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Working out. Steve and I signed up at the gym, time to get in shape. Oh and this weekend is Max's first Halloween. He will be a tiger!
Milestones: Made it to the second trimester...bye bye miserable first tri!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture - 11 weeks

How far along? 11 Weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 4 pounds
Body Changes? I have a small belly now. Breast are larger.
Sleep: Sleep well, still very tired.
Best moment this week: I had one day where I felt like myself. No pregnancy brain, not tiredness, it made work so much easier.
Baby Gender: I have changed sides. I'm thinking boy now. I have the exact same symptoms I had with Max and I have a feeling it will be another boy.
Food Cravings: Pickles and sour foods like vinegar.
What I miss: Not being so tired all the time. Fitting into my pants. Not having so many headaches.
Symptoms: Exhaustion, Headaches, Bloat. Pregnancy Brain.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Next Thursday! I can't wait to see our little one on the ultrasound. I am praying everything goes smoothly and he/she is healthy.
Milestones: Almost done with first trimester.

I ordered the crib this week for Baby #2 as we like to call him or her. It's a beautiful espresso colored crib and I'm getting so excited to decorate the babies room. I can't believe we will have two kids in this house in a few months...it's so exciting.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nearing the end...

Of the first trimester and today was the first day I have felt like my old self at work. I had energy and pregnancy brain was non existent. I hope this continues because I feel so much better!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture-10 Weeks

How far along? 10 Weeks
Total weight gain: 3.5 Pounds
Body Changes? Belly popped, breasts are getting bigger.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very very tired.
Best moment this week:
Baby Gender: Every time I think girl a little voice says "nope boy"
Food Cravings: Aversion to lots of foods that change day to day. Noticing I have to eat little meals every two hours or so or I start to shake.
What I miss: Not feeling so tired and hot baths
Symptoms: Exhaustion, Headaches, Bloat. Pregnancy Brain.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: A relaxing weekend with no plans.
Milestones: I've been really good on my no bad carbs diet.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 9 Weeks

How far along? 9 Weeks 5 Days
Total weight gain: 3 Pounds
Body Changes? Belly popped, breasts are getting bigger. My face looks tired and pale.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very very tired.
Best moment this week: Taking Max to the farm to go apple and pumpkin picking.
BabyGender: I'm leaning girl.
Food Cravings: Aversion to lots of foods that change day to day. Noticing I have to eat little meals every two hours or so or I start to shake.
What I miss: Not feeling so tired and bloated.
Symptoms: Exhaustion, Headaches, Bloat. Pregnancy Brain.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Our next doctors appointment in 2.5 weeks
Milestones: getting back on the gestational diet plan. Cheating hear and there but really trying.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 8 Weeks

How far along? 8 Weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain: 3 Pounds
Body Changes? Belly looks like it did when I was 14 weeks pregnant with Max. Areola's have gotten much bigger.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very very tired.
Best moment this week: Hearing baby #2's heartbeat and knowing that things were progressing as they should.
BabyGender: Still very torn.
Food Cravings: I'm having an aversion to Salads and Eggs.
What I miss: Not feeling so tired and nauseous and having awful headaches.
Symptoms: Exhaustion, Headaches
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Going pumpkin and apple and picking this weekend.
Milestones: Hearing our babies heartbeat and knowing things were going well.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Infant CPR

Thanks to Jaime H. and her awesome CPR notes I'd like to repost here so we never forget how to do it:

Infant CPR basics:
- If it looks like the baby is not breathing, tap her foot or tickle or even lightly pinch her leg, to see if she responds
- If nothing, tilt her head up slightly and put your cheek and ear by her mouth: listen to see if you hear her breathing, see if you can feel breath on your cheek, and watch her chest to see if it’s moving (all done at once to save time)
- If still nothing, if someone else is there, instruct them to find a telephone to call for help. If you’re by yourself BEGIN CPR BEFORE CALLING 911 (this was news to me.)
- To do Infant CPR, tilt the baby’s head up by their chin, open your mouth wide and COVER BOTH THE BABY’S MOUTH AND NOSE. Give 2 breaths and watch to make sure their chest moves. Then WHILE STILL KEEPING THEIR HEAD TILTED BACK, use two fingers in the middle of their chest – about one finger’s width below the imaginary line connecting their nipples – and PUSH DOWN PRETTY HARD (much harder than I would’ve thought) AND FAST, 30 TIMES. It’s important to keep their head tilted back while you’re doing this because this enables the air to get out and not get stuck. After pushing for 30 times, breath 2 breaths again and then another 30 pushes. REPEAT THIS 5 TIMES before calling for help (if you are alone)

Other interesting tid-bits / helpful hints I did not know about before:
- If you call 911 for a medical emergency, they will transfer you to the fire dept. Therefore, you can save time by either a) calling fire dept directly, or b) if you call 911, as soon as they answer and ask ‘what’s your emergency’ – just say “PLEASE TRANSFER ME TO THE FIRE DEPT, I HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY’.
- The avg wait time in California on 911 is 11 minutes!!! Fri and Saturdays are the slowest. That is why it is important to begin CPR and do 5 rounds of it BEFORE calling. After that, if you call and are put on hold or still ringing, you can put the phone next to you (or on speaker). The important thing to know is 4-6 min w/o oxygen to the brain can lead to mild brain damage, 6-8 min leads to medium brain damage, and 8-10 leads to severe. After 10min, a baby could be potentially brain dead. Scary, I know, but that’s why it’s all the more important to start CPR asap!
- Most of you probably know this, but landline is always better to use if possible when calling for help, they can’t trace the cell phones and 911 from a cell phone actually goes to highway patrol.

Last couple things about choking, burns, and poisons (also from the class last night)
- POISON: Be careful of tomato plants, poinsettias, and oleander plants – these are all poisonous if baby touches then puts hands in mouth (I didn’t know that, so thought I’d pass along)
- BURNS: If a baby touches water 130 degrees or hotter, it takes less than 30 seconds to get 2nd and 3rd degree burns. One thing you can do to prevent accidents is to set your water heater to max 120 degrees. If the baby is in 120 degree water, it can still get severe burns but will take 5 minutes, so hopefully you can catch before that.
- CHOKING: If a baby is choking on something, first turn them over, hold them on your forearm, and whack them 5 times in the middle of their back (again, pretty hard), but support their neck/head with your hand so you don’t accidentally shake their heads. After that, if still choking, turn them over and do chest compressions (same as above, 2 fingers, straight down, hard, etc.) for 5 pushes. Then flip over and whack for 5 again. Keep repeating until the thing is out.

Monday, September 27, 2010

First Doctors Appointment

Today Max, Steve and I went to Dr. Dobrenis for our first ultra sound. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. Baby #2 as we like to call him/her is measuring 7 weeks 5 days and is due May 11th. It had a very strong heartbeat and things looked great. We are super excited and relieved that things are progressing nicely and are looking forward to our NT scan in four weeks. Hopefully they can make a guess as to the sex of our next baby so we can give him or her a name :) Here is the family of 4 before our doctors appointment today:

Friday, September 24, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 7 Weeks

How far along? 7 Weeks 3 Day
Total weight gain: 0 pounds w/w, total 2.4 pounds
Body Changes? Pants are starting to get tight around my waist.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very very tired.
Best moment this week: When Max said Mamma. He can now tell the difference between daddy and mamma.
Gender: No clue. Half of me says girl the other half boy so I have no idea.
Food Cravings: None this week.
What I miss: Sleep and a hot bath.
Symptoms: Extreme Pregnacy Brain. Forgot my wallet on my way to work, took all the car keys leaving Steve stranded, not remembering things. Extreme exhaustion. Nauseous.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the doctor for the first time. I just want to know everything is okay.
Milestones: Was eating real healthy until the last two days. Need to get back on diet.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 6 Weeks

How far along? 6 Weeks
Total weight gain: .4 pounds w/w, total 2.4 pounds
Body Changes? My entire body is bloated.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very tired.
Best moment this week: Watching Max in the bathtub knowing he was going to have a sibling soon...it makes my heart swell.
Gender: A girl, however I have the exact same symptoms I had with Max...hmmmm
Food Cravings: Aversion to fruit and eggs
What I miss: A hot bath.
Symptoms:Hormones have leveled off, so that was good. Major Pregnancy Brain...making work very difficult.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the doctor for the first time. I just want to know everything is okay.
Milestones: Told my boss I was pregnant today which was a huge relief. I had an error today at work due to my pregnancy brain and so the guy to my right goes "Are you pregnant again?" It caught me off guard and so I asked why he said that to which he responded "Because last time you were pregnant you had major pregnancy brain kinda like now" lollll

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Things I have forgotten....

You would think having already been pregnant I'd remember all the things I should and shouldn't be doing during pregnancy but given my exhaustion I have decided to do some research. Here are some things to avoid during pregnancy:

You Should Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine taken during pregnancy is thought to increase the probability of a child contracting diabetes. I know they say you can do a cup a day, but I take decaf and only on rare occassations where Max has kept me up at night do I have an acutal cup of coffee.

You Should Avoid Hot Dogs

Hot dogs have been implicated in several studies. (Note: It has also been found that children under the age of five who eat more than 1 hot dog a week may have an increased risk of cancer)

Tick bites
open you to the risk of lyme disease, which can be deadly to your developing baby.

You Should Avoid Fish

This warning comes from the November 27 issue of Time Magazine (page 31). Fish concentrate methylmercury, which is known to affect the developing child's brain.

You Should Not Use a Sauna, Hot Tub or Take Long Hot Baths

Hot tubs and hot baths have a tendency to raise your body temperature and therefore are to be avoided. See the previous item for details.

You Should Avoid Cleaning Cat Litter Boxes. You Should Avoid Uncooked Meat.

Both cat litter and undercooked meat present the risk of toxoplasmosis, which causes birth defects. See this article and this article for details.

Raw Meat:
Uncooked seafood and rare or undercooked beef or poultry should be avoided because of the risk of contamination with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella.

Raw Eggs: Raw eggs or any foods that contain raw eggs should be avoided because of the potential exposure to salmonella. Some homemade Caesar dressings, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custards, and Hollandaise sauces may be made with raw eggs.

Soft Cheeses:
Imported soft cheeses may contain bacteria called Listeria, which can cause miscarriage. Listeria has the ability to cross the placenta and may infect the baby leading to infection or blood poisoning, which can be life-threatening. You would need to avoid soft cheeses such as: Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, Feta, Gorgonzola and Mexican style cheeses that include queso blanco and queso fresco, unless they clearly state that they are made from pasteurized milk. All soft non-imported cheeses made with pasteurized milk are safe to eat.

There are a ton more, however these are the ones that pertain to me. I guess i need to cut out hot dogs which I have been eating. Otherwise I think I'm doing pretty well :)

Most importantly: i have been taking my Prenatals daily!

5 Week Belly Picture

How far along? 5 Weeks 1 Day
Total weight gain: 2 POUNDS
Body Changes? Boobs are a little bigger, not much.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very tired.
Best moment this week: Labor day weekend with my boys.
Gender: Don't know but when I was "talking" to my mom, she let it slip it was a girl :)
Food Cravings: Meat, having a small aversion to eggs.
What I miss: I still miss my wine after work.
Symptoms: Very Difficult time focusing. Tired. HORMONES are going crazy.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to:September 11th Dinner this weekend and going to the US Open tomorrow.
Milestones: Found out my second blood results were great, things are progressing as they should.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

4 Week Belly Picture

How far along? 4 Weeks
Total weight gain: 0...starting weight 125lbs
Body Changes? Boobs are a little bigger.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very tired.
Best moment this week: Finding out I was pregnant while watching the Emmys.
Gender: Don't know but I had a dream about a boys name.
Food Cravings: Meat
What I miss: My white wine after work...I really miss that.
Symptoms: Spotting for the first few days before my period. Difficult time focusing. Tired. Boobs tingle.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Hearing from the doctor tomorrow about my blood results
Milestones: Got pregnant in my first month! Went to doctor today to get my blood taken to make sure everything was okay because I have been spotting, especially after Max fell down the stairs. It's been a rough week. Also needed to get a Rhogam shot.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Officially Pregnant!!!

We are so excited and looking forward to bringing our new addition into this world. Tomorrow I have to go by the doctor since I've still been spotting and so they have to give me the rhogam shot and will take a blood test to make sure everything is okay. I can't believe our family is expanding!

Monday, August 30, 2010

False Positive Pregnancy Test???

That is the question I am trying to figure out. After having taken conflicting tests last night and a bit of spotting I took two more tests today and they both came out negative. My body is telling me I am pregnant, however the tests are not confirming that. I am still four days away from my period so I guess I'll keep you posted :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

OMG!!!!! I'M PREGNANT!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! To say I'm shocked is an understatement, but it seems I am pregnant! I literally just got the positive test ten minutes ago and my heart is racing. It's a Sunday night and we had a few of our friends over for a bbq earlier and once they left I figured I'd take a test just for kicks ( I woke up having spotted a few days before my expected period so I figured something was up). Of course I took a line test again ( I guess I didn't learn anything with Max) and it came out negative...so Steve and I said next month we would try again. He had already chided me for taking three tests in the past two days with each one having shown up negative. Call it mothers intuition or pure crazy but I went back to the bathroom and fished the test out of the garbage to see if I could see a faint second line like I had with Max...this is what the test looked like:

And in my crazy head something was telling me that I was pregant. So here I am taking out a fourth test and took it, this time a clearblue one that says pregnant or not pregnant. In my head I'm thinking this is crazy and so I'm just watching the Emmys while waiting for the test to give me an answer. Without even paying attention (this all seems so deja vu) I looked down and there it is Pregnant!!!!

I was floored/shocked/elated/scared/shocked/nervous and VERY EXCITED and my heart started racing just like the first time I got pregant. I raced upstairs and gave the test to Steve who was also shocked. Of course we are super excited, we are just soooo surprised it happened so fast. Now I just hope everything goes very smoothly. No more drinking, no more lots of stuff...let the wild ride begin. ps. I just took another test...of course and it showed up negative...ahhhhh! Now I don't have anymore in the house haha Guess I'll let you know tomorrow if I am :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Officially Trying for another baby....

I can't believe it, but we are officially trying for baby number 2. Max is now 8.5 months old and we can't wait to give him a younger brother or sister. So I guess it's a waiting game now. With Max we got pregnant on the second try...can we beat that this time? Only time will tell :)