Friday, November 5, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 13 weeks

How far along? 13 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 3.5 pounds
Body Changes? I have a small belly now although I'm sure a lot of it is the leftover fat from the first pregnancy :). Breast are larger. Face filling out more.
Sleep: Sleep well, still very tired, although getting up to pee more.
Best moment this week: Steve getting offered the weekend weather job in New Haven.
Baby Gender: Leaning towards boy, which probably means I'm having a girl since up until this point with Max I believe I was having a girl :)
Food Cravings: Still craving roast beef sandwiches with extra mayo and mustard and clementines
What I miss: Vacations. I sure could use one right now. Good thing we are going away soon.
Symptoms: Still have bad headaches, I'm very stiff in my shoulders and neck. Peeing more.
Movement: Nothing yet. Sometimes I get something that feels like a kick, but I know it's not possible.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender in three weeks. Also I'd like to workout, still haven't gone to the gym.
Milestones: Been going to bed earlier.

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