Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 20 weeks

How far along? 20 Weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: 9 Pounds
Body Changes? Cute Belly, although I seem much smaller than I was with Max (or maybe it's all in my head) Hair is still not growing like it did with Max.
Sleep: Sleeping awful because I have a horrible cold. I've been home sick in bed for four days now and haven't been to work for two. Going to see a doctor this afternoon.
Best moment this week: Finding out what we are having!
Baby Gender: Well I guess I was right all along....we are having another BOY!!!
Food Cravings: none
Symptoms: A lot but none pregnancy related. I'm just very sick at the moment with the worst cough and sore throat. Stuffy nose, body and headaches. I've never had a sore throat like this with so much mucus that is hard to break up.
Movement: Here and there I can feel some light kicks although less since I've gotten sick which had me worried but today's ultrasound showed everything was fine.
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the new nursery. Max will be moving into the bigger room and our newest little man will be moving into his old room.
Milestones: Finding out we were having another boy, I'm ecstatic!

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