Thursday, November 11, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 14 weeks

How far along? 14 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 4 pounds
Body Changes? Belly is a bit harder.
Sleep: Sleeping well, have a little more energy.
Best moment this week: Having a dream of baby 2.
Baby Gender: Leaning towards boy, but I had my first dream and it was a girl. I didn't see her though unlike the dreams I had with Max where I saw him vividly so I'm not sure if it counts.
Food Cravings: Still craving roast beef sandwiches, tea and apple sauce.
What I miss: Free time.
Symptoms: Still have bad headaches, however have been headache free for two days since I doubled my water intake. I'm up to 3 liters a day and it helps. Still peeing more.
Movement: Nothing yet.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender. I REALLY want to know!
Milestones: Avoiding dessert.

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