Friday, September 24, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 7 Weeks

How far along? 7 Weeks 3 Day
Total weight gain: 0 pounds w/w, total 2.4 pounds
Body Changes? Pants are starting to get tight around my waist.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very very tired.
Best moment this week: When Max said Mamma. He can now tell the difference between daddy and mamma.
Gender: No clue. Half of me says girl the other half boy so I have no idea.
Food Cravings: None this week.
What I miss: Sleep and a hot bath.
Symptoms: Extreme Pregnacy Brain. Forgot my wallet on my way to work, took all the car keys leaving Steve stranded, not remembering things. Extreme exhaustion. Nauseous.
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the doctor for the first time. I just want to know everything is okay.
Milestones: Was eating real healthy until the last two days. Need to get back on diet.

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