Monday, December 20, 2010

I took my father to the anatomy screening today and walked away with mixed emotions. I was elated to see that my baby was doing well and on time growth wise, but I was also majorly disappointed we weren't able to find out the sex. I had brought my father for that reason and we walked away empty handed. It will still nice to have him there and know our baby is measuring 19 weeks 4 days and weights 7 ounces. I won't get the results of the test until we go back next week since our baby wouldnt' turn around so we could see its face and heart. So Tuesday Steve and I go for an 8 am appointment and I'm hoping this time we can find out the sex. I have a feeling it will be a girl now since I didn't see anything dangling on the ultrasound haha The names we have so far come up with are:

Girl: Mia June Villanueva

Boy: Benjamin Grayson Villanueva

Christmas is a few days aways so we will celebrate with our family and are looking forward to our next appointment.

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