Monday, November 22, 2010

16 Week Doctors Visit

Today I went to the doctors hoping she would perform an ultra sound on me and tell me the sex of our little one. The doctor did end up performing one, but sadly the baby didn't feel like uncrossing his/her legs and the chord was in the way so she wasn't able to tell us. December 20th is our anatomy screening so we will find out then, I can't wait. Either way, I was head over heals in love with this little one. The munchkin was laying there with one arm stretched out and the other touching its face. She/he looked perfect and was soooo cute I can't wait to hold him/her in my arms and give it all the love in the world. She told me that the NT results were perfect and really really good which was great news. I told her about my awful headaches and she said it was perfectly normal and it would subside around 20 weeks. She said it was due to all the blood my body was making and in my head and in order to relieve the symptoms I have to drink caffeine and take tylenol. I prefer the caffeine instead of the drugs and today was much better having had coffee. She also said between weeks 16 through 20 weeks I will gain the largest amount of weight which is exactly where I'm at...great :) I did get spoiled yesterday by my dad who bought me a TON of maternity clothes after my sister was sweet enough to take me and pick out my new wardrobe with me. It's amazing how a nice set of clothing can make you feel like a new person. On top of it I got my hair colored and cut which has made this past weekend a great success.

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