Thursday, October 28, 2010

NT Test

Today Steve and I went to the hospital to get the NT test done. They pricked my finger and took blood which didn't hurt at the time, but after all the squeezing I could barely hold a pen later that day it was black and blue. The ultra sound was amazing, my heart filled with so much love seeing our little nugget, and he/she was soooo cute moving its hands around. The nugget looked perfect! The technician said everything looked good, but we won't know the test results for another week. The heartbeat was 160 and the measurement was below 3mm (I think she said 1.7mm and 2mm), but I'll say for sure next week when I have the results. I just hope everything comes back fine.

After the test we went to Dr. Dobrenis office for our regular check up and were seen an hour late. The person before me had just suffered a miscarriage for the third time. She had gotten a heartbeat two weeks ago and was super excited and today she lost the baby. It really makes you feel grateful for having such an easy pregnancy because not everyone has that. Sadly my boss didn't feel that way and was mad I missed the open and was gone so long. To say I was nervous to go back to work is an understatement but the health of my baby comes first and I'm just so happy I got to see him/her today! I can't wait to hold you in my arms little nugget and introduce you to your big brother!

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