Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 8 Weeks

How far along? 8 Weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain: 3 Pounds
Body Changes? Belly looks like it did when I was 14 weeks pregnant with Max. Areola's have gotten much bigger.
Sleep: Sleeping fine, very very tired.
Best moment this week: Hearing baby #2's heartbeat and knowing that things were progressing as they should.
BabyGender: Still very torn.
Food Cravings: I'm having an aversion to Salads and Eggs.
What I miss: Not feeling so tired and nauseous and having awful headaches.
Symptoms: Exhaustion, Headaches
Movement: nope not for some time to come
What I am looking forward to: Going pumpkin and apple and picking this weekend.
Milestones: Hearing our babies heartbeat and knowing things were going well.

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