Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 29 Weeks

How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain: 14.5 Pounds
Body Changes? Belly has grown real big and I wonder where the next 2.5 months will go!
Sleep: Sleep is starting to become a little more difficult. I'm uncomfortable and wake up a few times during the night to pee and am thirsty. Been going to sleep early since I'm so tired. (still same) Peeing has increased during the night to about 3-4 times.
Best moment this week: Seeing my Grandma in Sarasota. I missed my boys at home but it was really nice to see her.
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: English muffins with peanut butter
Symptoms: Awful backaches and slight stomach cramps. Not sure if they stem from my ligaments stretching or braxton hicks contractions.
Movement: Still moving around and kicking.
What I am looking forward to: This weekend...i need to relax.
Milestones: My last week in my 20's! I can't believe after this week I have 10 weeks to go...say what?!

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