Monday, February 14, 2011

28 Week Doctor Visit

Today I had my monthly visit and I was measuring exactly 28 weeks. I have gained 15 pounds so far and got all my questions answered. I need to make sure my numbers in the morning are on track or else I'll need to be put on Insulin. She said the one cup of coffee I have been drinking is no big deal at all nor is the Fresca I've been enjoying once in a while as long as what I drink doesn't have sacharin in it. She said I should stop picking up Max all the time and walking around because it could bring on contractions. Picking him up is fine but not walking around with him for long periods which I'll admit I love to do. We talked about my fear of having the chord choke him to which she said it has only happened once in her 20 year career. She said 20% of babies are born with the chord around their neck and it turns out just fine. Which made me feel better. I am getting so excited to meet my son, these next few weeks couldn't go by fast enough! I had a dream he was going to have black hair, can't wait to see if I'm right!

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