Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's another BOY!!!!

It look three times, but finally we were able to find out that we were having another boy! I felt all along it was going to be another boy but last week everyone got into my head and so I convinced myself I had been wrong and said it was going to be a girl. So this morning was definitly quite a shock to Steve and I. We have been hit with a big snow storm and I've been sick for four days now so heading into the city I was feeling blah and nervous that our baby wouldn't cooperate again. This time I went earlier in the day and made sure to have breakfast before we went. So it was a big relief to find out that our baby was in the correct position this time. When the nurse asked what we already had I told her a boy and so she asked what we would like this time around. I told her I'd love another boy and Steve said he would like a girl (seems we both wanted what we wished for the first time around again). Steve then proceeded to tell the doctor that the profile looked like a boy to him which made her laugh and she responsed that there was no way to know by looking at the profile. So then she did the money shot and I told her it was a girl b/c I saw three lines. She laughed again and asked where I saw them exactly so I pointed them out to which she said "that is really funny b/c I see a penis and two balls, so I guess your husbands profile guess was correct". We were shocked to say the least and i had tears in my eyes I was so happy and excited to know we were having another boy. Steve's response was exactly the same as it was when I told him we were having a boy with Max. i guess things never change haha. We are both soooo excited to be having another boy and now I feel like this pregnancy has gotten a lot more real. Now we just need to come up with a name :)

Weekly Belly Picture- 20 weeks

How far along? 20 Weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: 9 Pounds
Body Changes? Cute Belly, although I seem much smaller than I was with Max (or maybe it's all in my head) Hair is still not growing like it did with Max.
Sleep: Sleeping awful because I have a horrible cold. I've been home sick in bed for four days now and haven't been to work for two. Going to see a doctor this afternoon.
Best moment this week: Finding out what we are having!
Baby Gender: Well I guess I was right all along....we are having another BOY!!!
Food Cravings: none
Symptoms: A lot but none pregnancy related. I'm just very sick at the moment with the worst cough and sore throat. Stuffy nose, body and headaches. I've never had a sore throat like this with so much mucus that is hard to break up.
Movement: Here and there I can feel some light kicks although less since I've gotten sick which had me worried but today's ultrasound showed everything was fine.
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the new nursery. Max will be moving into the bigger room and our newest little man will be moving into his old room.
Milestones: Finding out we were having another boy, I'm ecstatic!

Monday, December 20, 2010

I took my father to the anatomy screening today and walked away with mixed emotions. I was elated to see that my baby was doing well and on time growth wise, but I was also majorly disappointed we weren't able to find out the sex. I had brought my father for that reason and we walked away empty handed. It will still nice to have him there and know our baby is measuring 19 weeks 4 days and weights 7 ounces. I won't get the results of the test until we go back next week since our baby wouldnt' turn around so we could see its face and heart. So Tuesday Steve and I go for an 8 am appointment and I'm hoping this time we can find out the sex. I have a feeling it will be a girl now since I didn't see anything dangling on the ultrasound haha The names we have so far come up with are:

Girl: Mia June Villanueva

Boy: Benjamin Grayson Villanueva

Christmas is a few days aways so we will celebrate with our family and are looking forward to our next appointment.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 19 weeks

How far along? 19 Weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 7 pounds
Body Changes? Cute Belly, hair is not growing like it did with Max. My bikini, legs, arm pits and eyebrows are not growing as fast as they usually do. The woman pointed it out to me when I went to get my eyebrows done and she is right.
Sleep: Sleeping well. I've been tired and enjoy taking naps during the weekend.
Best moment this week: Receiving a beautiful purse for my birthday from my parents.
Baby Gender: I can't believe tomorrow we will be finding out the sex of our next little one. I am so excited and yet nervous at the same time. I just want to know that everything is okay and our baby is healthy. I'm taking my dad with me tomorrow which will be a fun experience to share with him. He thinks it will be a girl, and I believe a boy. I'm very convinced it is a boy so it should be interesting to see if I'm right or if my mother who has appeared twice in my dreams is correct predicting it will be a girl.
Food Cravings: Brie and pretzels
Symptoms: Today was the first time I've had a headache in weeks.
Movement: Once or twice a day I can feel very light kicks. I really love feeling my baby inside me kick, there is nothing better than that.
What I am looking forward to: Taking my dad to the anatomy screening tomorrow and finding out the sex.
Milestones: Feeling baby move and watching Steve do the weather after 1.5 year hiatus.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 18 weeks

How far along? 18 Weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
Body Changes? Cute Belly, big boobs.
Sleep: Sleeping well. I was very tired this week going to bed reallyyyy early.
Best moment this week: Feeling my little move.
Baby Gender: Still sticking with boy. If I go with my gut it's saying boy. If I go with my moms ghost ( i know weird haha) talking to me in my dreams it is a girl. Will be interesting to see who is right :)
Food Cravings: none
Symptoms: Haven't had a headache because I've been drinking coffee. Very tired.
Movement: I can feel very light kicks once in a while. I forgot how much I loved feeling them!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex in one week!
Milestones: Feeling baby move and watching Steve do the weather after 1.5 year hiatus.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekly Belly Picture- 17 weeks

How far along? 17 Weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
Body Changes? Small belly, feel like i've lost a little weight from working out.
Sleep: Sleeping well, peeing more during night.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Max's first birthday and hearing baby number 2's heartbeat during the party....it came in at 143
Baby Gender: I have switched and am going with my original thought of a boy.
Food Cravings: none
Symptoms: Headaches have subsided since the doctor told me to drink caffeine daily which has helped A LOT. Been cramping a little when I overdue it and need to remember to relax more which is difficult for me.
Movement: Nothing yet.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex in two weeks!
Milestones: Had a wonderful week at Necker Island and got lots of sun and sports in.