Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 38 Weeks

How far along? 38 Weeks 2 Days A date has been set :)
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Body Changes? I think at this point everything will pretty much remain the same until the end. I have a huge belly and am retaining a small bit of water. Everywhere I go people always say "You are def having a boy huh" which makes me laugh. Someone today asked me if I had lost weight because my face looks so tiny lol Strange thing to say to someone who is about to have a baby but of course always nice to hear.
Sleep: Been going to bed early. Peeing all night long and very thirsty. Some days are tougher than others, especially since it has been raining a lot.
Best moment this week: Going to the doctor with Steve. Got some news I wasn't expecting. I tested positive for strep B which I didn't have with Max but I have this time around. All it means is that I will have to be hooked up to an antibiotic IV when I give birth so the baby can't get it and get sick. It also means I can't get my membranes stripped which is what I really wanted. So instead we have set an induction date for May 2nd which is this coming Monday! We will put Max to bed and head to the hospital to get induced. It is so nice to know there is an end in sight!
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: milk with hershey sauce
Symptoms: Peeing a ton. Braxton Hicks contractions. Lightening vaginal pain. I have to walk very slow now because it hurts otherwise. Very tired. My legs are swollen from water retention.
Movement: Moving a little less this week.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our son, so exciting!

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