Friday, May 6, 2011

Jake Sebastian has arrived!

We are so pleased to announced the birth of our youngest son, Jake Sebastian, born on May 3rd at 4:15pm. He weighed 7 pounds 12.2 ounces and was 19.75 inches. I was induced at 39 weeks so he is a big boy and super cute!

On Monday morning, May 2nd we drove into Manhattan to see my doctor for my last visit. I was still only 1cm dilated and 60% effaced. She told me to head to the hospital that night so I could get a room and get started on Cervidil. So that night, after we put Max down to bed we drove into the city to be induced. Of course we get there and they are fully booked, and we were put into a different wing so we could wait for a labor and delivery room to open up. I was given the Cervidil which looks like a shoe string and is inserted into ones vagina.

We slept that night and the following morning around 10 we were finally given a room and transferred over.

Once there I was checked again and now 2 centimeters and 70% effaced. Steve and I took a quick shower before the Pitocin was administered and my water was broken with a needle a little while later. That is when my contractions started to come on strong and were 2-3 minutes apart. It was a totally different experience from the first time around when my water broke on its own and my contractions started at 8 minutes apart and slowly got stronger. This time around they came on with full force, oh so I thought. I was still able to read a magazine and check my phone to which my doctor told the nurse "increase the dosage". The nurse warned me that I could get my Epidural before she did that, but I figured I'd still have time. Wow was I wrong. They came on so strong, I couldn't even talk, I was biting on a straw begging for the epidural around noon. Luckily they came real fast and I was given my epi which kicked in a little while later. After that it was smooth sailing. I couldn't feel my legs or the contractions and I felt much better. Steve jumped into bed with me and we watched Toy Story 3. Towards the end I started to feel a very heavy sensation in my vaginal area, and I just knew he wanted to come out. I told the nurse to get the doctor so she could check my dilation. She came in and put her fingers down there for two seconds and went "yup, we are ready, he will be out in three pushes". Steve and I were shocked and I started to have tears rolling down my face. I couldn't believe the time had finally come and we were about to meet our son. I started to push after I had asked for the mirror and to my dismay he was out 7 minutes later. It was such an amazing experience since this time around I wasn't as tired and was able to watch the entire thing unfold. This time the doctor wanted me to watch the entire thing in the mirror whereas with Max they removed the mirror once he was crowning. Then I got a lesson on Placentas when they showed me how it functioned. The entire experience was wonderful and when my son was placed on my chest the moment he came out, it was one of the happiest days of my life.

He was perfect in every way. Luckily this time around I only needed one stitch. His head came out without a tear, but his one shoulder made me tear a little. It is amazing how much easier everything was the second time around. And now I am a mom of two beautiful boys and I couldn't be more grateful!

I stayed in the hospital until Thursday morning when I was released to go home. I wasn't able to get a private room since they were all occupied. I ended up in a room with a first time mom whose baby wouldn't stop crying. If it weren't for the non stop crying it wouldn't have been so bad to be in a non private room since I got the bed with a beautiful view. My parents brought in sushi dinner both nights which tasted amazing. I had a few girlfriends come and visit which was really nice. Jake left the hospital in good health and us in great spirits.

Grandparents meet Jake for first time:

The happy parents:

1 comment:

  1. Noelle - you look beautiful, and so does Jake! Steve looks like the proudest papa. Love the name and I hope all is going well with meeting Max at home. Can't wait to be up there and play with you guys. Enjoy your time off at home! Happy Mother's Day - your first year as a Mom of two! Love you.
