Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 33 Weeks

How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Body Changes? All belly. My belly button is almost out, which didn't happen with Max. My areola's are huge.
Sleep: Been going to bed early. It has been very difficult getting up during the night since it hurts to move around and my back is in a lot of pain most nights.
Best moment this week: Not sure I had one, I had a really bad day at work on Friday and it ruined a lot of my weekend. Still had a good time with Max, family and friends though.
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: grapes
Symptoms: Peeing every half hour. I'm not out of breath has much as I was. I do get a painful vaginal sensation, feels like he is about to come out. I can feel my uterus stretching. Awful backaches have kicked in. Been nervous I'd come early, but I'm going to stay positive because I talked to my little boy and told him to only come in May :)
Movement: He is moving around less, but still kicks from time to time.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my siblings this weekend for a wedding.
Milestones: Starting to separate Max's old clothes so I can get ready for our little ones arrival.

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