Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Body Changes? I am definitely starting to feel big and heavy and clothes are fitting me much tighter. I am still mostly belly although my body is retaining a lot of water and my lefts and butt feel much bigger. Boobs are more sensitive and my back hurts very easily when I bend over.
Sleep: Been very tired at night and therefore been going to bed around 9-9:30. Have a hard time getting up in the morning.
Best moment this week: Seeing the doctor for my 31 week checkup and being told everything looked great. I was measuring right on schedule and she told me she would induce me anytime after 39 weeks and 2 days so I think we are picking May 4th :)
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: nothing really
Symptoms: Peeing every half hour and I'm easily out of breath when walking somewhere.
Movement: Moving around at certain times of the day and he has the hiccups one or two times a day. Sometimes it happens during the middle of the night which keeps me up.
What I am looking forward to: The mommy and me class I signed Max and me up for this weekend.
Milestones: I am done having a fresca everyday which I already miss and today is only my first day. I really have to watch my GD because I had one cookie with lunch and it shot me right up.

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