Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 34 Weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks 2 Days
Total weight gain: 19 pounds
Body Changes? All belly. My belly button still hasn't fully popped but is almost there. Weight gain showing in my face, butt and legs now as well. Everyone commenting on how big my belly is and how I won't make it full term.
Sleep: Been going to bed early. Sleeping has become VERY uncomfortable and my back hurts soooo badly.
Best moment this week: Talking things out with my boss and clearing the air was a high point, however seeing the doctor and knowing everything was progressing nicely was the best. Next appointment I have my internal which I'm really excited about. I haven't seen little man in months!
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: strawberries, grapes and milk with hershey sauce...yum
Symptoms: Peeing every half hour. I get full very easily. I do get a painful vaginal sensation, feels like he is about to come out. Braxton Hicks contractions. I can feel my uterus stretching. Awful backaches have kicked in. I was nervous I'd come early since everyone keeps saying I will but I feel better after seeing my doctor who said my first pregnancy is a very good indication I'd go about the same this time around.
Movement: He is moving around less, but when he does move, he kicks like crazy. I can feel his arms and legs when he pokes them out.
What I am looking forward to: Nesting this weekend. I asked Maria to come for the weekend so we can spring clean and get everything ready for my munchkin.
Milestones:Started testing my numbers a little better.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 33 Weeks

How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Body Changes? All belly. My belly button is almost out, which didn't happen with Max. My areola's are huge.
Sleep: Been going to bed early. It has been very difficult getting up during the night since it hurts to move around and my back is in a lot of pain most nights.
Best moment this week: Not sure I had one, I had a really bad day at work on Friday and it ruined a lot of my weekend. Still had a good time with Max, family and friends though.
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: grapes
Symptoms: Peeing every half hour. I'm not out of breath has much as I was. I do get a painful vaginal sensation, feels like he is about to come out. I can feel my uterus stretching. Awful backaches have kicked in. Been nervous I'd come early, but I'm going to stay positive because I talked to my little boy and told him to only come in May :)
Movement: He is moving around less, but still kicks from time to time.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my siblings this weekend for a wedding.
Milestones: Starting to separate Max's old clothes so I can get ready for our little ones arrival.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 32 Weeks

How far along? 32 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Body Changes? I am a whole lot of belly. I can feel the water retention now at the end of my workday in my feel and lets, but otherwise I think I look pretty good for being this far along.
Sleep: Been tired but better than last week. I have to get up a lot during the night to pee.
Best moment this week: Taking Max to Mommy and Me class.
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: nothing really
Symptoms: Peeing every half hour and I'm easily out of breath when walking somewhere. Awful backaches have kicked in. I get full really easily.
Movement: Kicking me like crazy at certain times of the day. It is comical when I'm sitting on the train my belly is just kicking out in all direction. He still gets the hiccups quite a bit.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting my son.
Milestones: We finally decided on a name and I love it. The initials are J. S. V :) We left Matteo behind us and have moved on and I am very happy with that decision. I haven't been good with checking my sugars and really need to get back to doing that. I have a feeling I have been going over quite a bit even though I've been watching what I eat I think the slightest bit of fruit is putting me over urghhh

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Body Changes? I am definitely starting to feel big and heavy and clothes are fitting me much tighter. I am still mostly belly although my body is retaining a lot of water and my lefts and butt feel much bigger. Boobs are more sensitive and my back hurts very easily when I bend over.
Sleep: Been very tired at night and therefore been going to bed around 9-9:30. Have a hard time getting up in the morning.
Best moment this week: Seeing the doctor for my 31 week checkup and being told everything looked great. I was measuring right on schedule and she told me she would induce me anytime after 39 weeks and 2 days so I think we are picking May 4th :)
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: nothing really
Symptoms: Peeing every half hour and I'm easily out of breath when walking somewhere.
Movement: Moving around at certain times of the day and he has the hiccups one or two times a day. Sometimes it happens during the middle of the night which keeps me up.
What I am looking forward to: The mommy and me class I signed Max and me up for this weekend.
Milestones: I am done having a fresca everyday which I already miss and today is only my first day. I really have to watch my GD because I had one cookie with lunch and it shot me right up.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weekly Belly Picture - 30 Weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks
Total weight gain: 14.5 Pounds
Body Changes? To my amazement my belly has popped even more and so many people at the office are commenting on how huge I am. But they also tell me I'm pure belly and I look great :)
Sleep: Been tired and going to bed around 9 lately. I do pee several times a night but I am able to sleep comfortably.
Best moment this week: Seeing Max walk for the first time. Amazing.
Baby Gender: BOY!!!
Food Cravings: blue berries
Symptoms: Back aches have gotten a bit better but my stomach hurts a lot at time which I'm sure is just my belly stretching.
Movement: Still moving around and kicking which I'm always grateful for.
What I am looking forward to: I'm always looking forward to the weekend these days because I just want to be with my boys and relax.
Milestones: I'm still shocked I only have ten more weeks left. I need to get better with my GD because I have been going over my numbers quite a bit and not testing as much urghhh