Monday, May 16, 2011

Jake Week 2

Jake's second week has been eventful. At 10 Days old he had to be admitted to the hospital after I found him blue, full of vomit and not breathing. I immediately called 911 who responded and suctioned him out. I then took both kids to the pediatrician who wanted him admitted to the hospital for 24 hours because they were worried about him swallowing his puke and having breathing problems. I felt better having him watched because I was so shaken up after finding him in such a bad state. To think if I had walked into the room a little later what might have happened. It makes my heart stop. Since then I have ordered all sorts of monitors and cribs to ensure it won't happen again. My heart stops every time I check on him (which is every minute these days) so I'm hoping the monitors will give me a piece of mind. He has started to cry a little more this week, mostly when he is hungry or gassy. He has a lot of gas and is constantly farting. We have him on a three hour schedule of 3 oz per feeding. I am exclusively pumping (3 oz every three hours) and I give him formula at his 10pm feeding.

We spread out the feedings to 4 hours at night if he lasts, which most nights he does. He has been an easier newborn than Max from what I recall. He loves his pacifier which is something Max didn't. His belly button stub fell out at the hospital when he was 11 days old. We gave him his bath last night and he didn't cry too much. He has such skinny legs and arms, which is funny because him and Max are built so differently. It has been pretty crazy with both kids and little downtime, especially with Maria being sick. But I'm managing pretty well and proud of myself for managing everything. I have been pretty emotional and broken down a few times but my hormones are crazy so what can you do. I'm still bleeding quite a bit but I'm feeling much better down below ;) I'm hoping in two weeks time I can start to workout a little. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be pumping for, I have wanted to quite several times but I'm trying to hang in there for as long as possible.

Jake had his 2 week pediatrician visit today and he weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces (50th percentile) Height was 21 inches (75th Percentile) and his head was in the 50th percentile. He still had jaundice which will take longer to go away sine I'm mostly exclusively breastfeeding. Everything looked great, so lets hope from this point forward everything goes smoothly!

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