Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jake Week 3

Wow, I guess given how crazy busy things have been around here I shouldn't be so surprised that my little baby is already 3 weeks old, but wow! I still can't believe it! I feel like I just got home from the hospital and here we are almost at the 1 month mark. To say he is the sweetest little angel is an understatement. He really is a very easy baby as far as babies go. Yes, we are still very sleep deprived and exhausted given the two boys and lack of sleep but overall he has been great. We are still super careful after every feed and I watch him very closely. He still seems very mucusy and there have been two occasions where he has started to choked a little but nothing we can't handle. We weighed him on our scale at home and he is 9 pounds 2 ounces at the moment and eating like a champion. He should be going through a growth spurt now since he is 3 weeks, but given how much he eats on a regular basis it is hard to tell. He averages between 23 ounces a day and sometimes finds it very difficult to last 3 hours during the day, especially when he has breast milk. I am trying to make him wait the three hours so it makes it a bit easier and now give him 4 ounces every three hours. At night he has a hard time falling asleep, but once asleep he does great and I have to wake him up for two feeds at night. I am still exclusively pumping and giving him formula twice a day. I decided to stop last night, but my conscience is still making me do it. I have just decided to not pump during the night any more which makes it a lot easier. I had a rough night with Max last night, who refused to go to sleep and had a bit of a meltdown due to lack of sleep and decided for sanity reasons I'd make my life a little easier by not pumping during the night. I am really tired right now and since both boys are sleeping I'm going to try to take a nap. Happy 3 week birthday little man, mommy adores you and I am the proudest mom of two sweet little boys.

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