Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jake 3 Months

My little Jakorino bambino as I like to call him, or baby Jake as he is known in the house. He is the happiest little guy and always cooing and smiling. He started teething around 2.5 months and is slobbering up a storm, similar to what Max did. He has been fussier than usual and not sleeping much during the day which got me to read a book on sleeping habits. It said to put him down earlier to bed and went into why sleep is so important. I put him down a half hour earlier and he slept 10 hours at a clip with no dream feed. Incredible. We now put him down at 6 or 6:30 depending how what he nap schedule was like during the day. Our nighttime routine consists of a bath and a feed and then he goes down in the my little lamb. We are going to start putting him down in his crib tomorrow night since he hates sleeping in it but he is old enough now and must learn.

He is still eating 4-6 ounces at each feeding and we have switched him back to his regular emfamil from his gentleease formula when he turned three months. He seems to be doing fine on it. Ever since I went back to work Steve has been in charge of the nighttime feedings. Jake has been doing great and goes down at 6:30 and will get up at 4am for a feed since Steve prefers doing that rather than a dream feed. He has had a bit of diarrhea lately, I assume from teething but it doesn't seem to be too bad. He can now hold on to things and still hates tummy time and can't roll over or push himself up. He is getting better with the bjorn as long as he faces outward.

He is just too cute for words and his hair has grown in much faster than Max's did. He reacts to my voice when I'm around and it calms him when he sees my face. His brother still adores him and I can't wait for Jake to be old enough to enjoy his brother.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Max and Jake

After shaving Jakes head he looks more and more like a darker version of Max:



Jake joins the tradition and gets his head shaved!

Jake got the same treatment Max did at around 2 months: His head was shaven bald. Gone are the baby hairs and now hopefully his hair will grow in all at once. We didn't get it done at a barbers like we did with Max, instead dad did it in our bathroom. Here are some before pictures:

Here are some during and after shots:


Jake got to fly for the very first time when we all went to La Jolla, San Diego for two weeks. We flew out there with the boys who each had their own seat. Jake sat in his car seat and behaved great. The only time he cried was on the flight out there for the last hour. Otherwise he slept most of the time. We met up with my parents, brother and Ria where we stayed at a beautiful house right on the water. It was not a very child friendly house therefore Jake didn't get a lot of tummy time. He did however get tons of cuddles from Ria.

Since we all went out at night Ria watched the boys and always put him in our room in his carvseat at 9pm and he slept great while we were out there. He was only getting up once at night which was wonderful since Max came down with Croup again and was getting up at night.

Jake found his thumb while we were on vacation:

Granpa watched Jake for a few hours while we took everyone to Seaworld:

Max being such a great big brother and doting on Jake:

Here are some pictures from California:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Jake turns 2 months!

I have been so busy and away on vacation that I haven't had time to update at the 2 month mark, so I'm updating at 2.5 months. Jake has gotten so big and is such a good looking little guy. He is much darker than his brother and two days before he turned 2 months he slept 5 hours at night. That has now turned into six hours on a good night, five hours on a bad night. We have put him in his room now for the past 3 nights and it has been going great. He is still sleeping in the my little lamb and doesn't want to sleep in the crib yet. Max was the same way. We have him on a three hour feeding schedule during the day and don't allow him to sleep more than 4 hours from 7am to 7pm so he sleeps at night. It is working beautifully. At 6:30pm we all go up for our bedtime routine. I give Jake a bath while Steve gets Max into his pj's and brushes his teeth. Then I hand Jake of to Daddy and read Max a book before putting him down. Jake gets fed next in the dark in his room and then I put him down as well. He needs to be rocked in the rocker so we turn that on and then turn it off later.

Jake is such an easy and adorable baby. The only time he cries is when he gets really hungry which doesn't happen often since I have him on a three hour schedule and when he gets overtired. Like I did with Max, he either goes down at the first yawn or every two hours. Rarely does he stay awake longer than two hours at a stretch. He has started to drool a lot which is a little earlier than Max did and his shirts are getting pretty wet. I hope he won't start drooling as bad as his brother did for months.

He LOVES to smile and talk. He definitely knows who is mamma is because I can tell he recognizes my face and voice and always smiles and calms down when I'm near. I love talking to him and watching him smile. He is now in a size two diaper and wearing 3-6 month clothing. He eats 4-6 ounces at a time and people always confuse him with a 4 month old since he is so big.

His brother adores him and always goes up to him and cuddles him or tries to give him the bottle when I'm feeding him. I even caught him trying to share his snack with him and stopped him right as he was shoving it into his mouth. Nothing makes me happier than watching my two boys love each other.

Our new Nanny started today. Her name is Janneth (Jan) and she speaks Spanish which I want her to teach Max. He seemed to like her, so hopefully this will turn out okay. Here are some photos from the past 1.5 months.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

2 Month Pediatrician Visit

Today I took Jake for his 8.5 week appointment since we are leaving for California the day he turns 2 months. He is 24.25 inches long (75%) 14.1 pounds (75%) and his head was in the 50th percentile. The doctor said he looked great but that he has a bit of a flat head from always looking to the right. We need to start giving him more tummy time and holding him and making him look to the left so it can correct itself by 6 months of age or else we will have to put him in a helmet which is $4500 out of pocket. Needless to say we will be giving him a ton of tummy time. He is smiling like a lot and coo-ing so he is reaching all his milestones. He got two shots and an oral dose. He cried for both shots but only for a few seconds until I picked him up. She told me to go home and give him .8 of tylenol and not check his fever. He never developed one but he wasn't himself for the day/night and now has 100.2 fever but seems fine so that is good since we are flying to California tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

6 Week Pediatrician Visit

Baby Jake as we like to call him in this house had his 6 week appointment today with his brother. They both got shots today, Max didn't cry but poor little Jake did. The doctor kept saying how big Jake is. He is in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. Max never got there for weight he always maxed out at the 50th percentile for weight but was the same as Jake in height. Jake weighs 12.9 pounds and is 23 inches long. He is a very very big boy. Poor guy has gotten a bit of a cold from Max who just had Croup. He has a stuffy nose and is still very mucusy but is still eating well and has no fever so we aren't concerned. Our next appointment is his 8 month check up right before we head to California so he can get his shots.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jake 1 Month

My little baby is one month old today. He has grown so much in the past few weeks and last time he was weighed (a few days ago) he was 10.4 pounds. His face has gotten much rounder and he loves to eat. He eats at least 4 ounces per feeding. I stopped pumping a few days ago and my breasts are still engorged. He has been suffering from bad gas just like his brother did. We have been giving him Mylicon with every feeding, but most mornings around 4am his belly hurts him too much. We have switched to similac gas formulas however a friend made me aware of how much sugar is in that brand and so we will be switching back to emfamil once he is done with the box.

He has been sleeping most of the day and gets up around 3-4am due to bad gas pains and doesn't go back to sleep real soon. Thankfully Steve and i have a good system going that works for us. I do the night shift and he gets up after 4am with him and takes him down to the office while I get some sleep. During the day I spend a lot of time with Max while Jake sleeps with Steve in the office while he works. He has been eating between 35-40 ounces a day and gaining a lot in a short period of time. Today he weighed in at 12.4 pounds and is already wearing 3 months clothes. He is much darker toned than Max but also has brown hair. I know we thought he has black hair at first but it turns out my brown haired genes have won again haha Jake has started to smile when you talk to him and is very alert. I can't believe how much difference a month makes. It is making me look forward to what is to come.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jake Week 3

Wow, I guess given how crazy busy things have been around here I shouldn't be so surprised that my little baby is already 3 weeks old, but wow! I still can't believe it! I feel like I just got home from the hospital and here we are almost at the 1 month mark. To say he is the sweetest little angel is an understatement. He really is a very easy baby as far as babies go. Yes, we are still very sleep deprived and exhausted given the two boys and lack of sleep but overall he has been great. We are still super careful after every feed and I watch him very closely. He still seems very mucusy and there have been two occasions where he has started to choked a little but nothing we can't handle. We weighed him on our scale at home and he is 9 pounds 2 ounces at the moment and eating like a champion. He should be going through a growth spurt now since he is 3 weeks, but given how much he eats on a regular basis it is hard to tell. He averages between 23 ounces a day and sometimes finds it very difficult to last 3 hours during the day, especially when he has breast milk. I am trying to make him wait the three hours so it makes it a bit easier and now give him 4 ounces every three hours. At night he has a hard time falling asleep, but once asleep he does great and I have to wake him up for two feeds at night. I am still exclusively pumping and giving him formula twice a day. I decided to stop last night, but my conscience is still making me do it. I have just decided to not pump during the night any more which makes it a lot easier. I had a rough night with Max last night, who refused to go to sleep and had a bit of a meltdown due to lack of sleep and decided for sanity reasons I'd make my life a little easier by not pumping during the night. I am really tired right now and since both boys are sleeping I'm going to try to take a nap. Happy 3 week birthday little man, mommy adores you and I am the proudest mom of two sweet little boys.

Newborn Photoshoot Preview

It was very important to Steve and I that our second son receive the same treatment as our first. Therefore we signed him up for newborn photos as well, but this time with a photographer in CT who we had to meet at her home studio two hours away. It took me two hours to get the kids packed up and all of us ready so we could meet Steve at his office so we could all go together. Once we got there we were a little surprised to see her studio which was in her dark and dingy basement. Our photographer was a very sweet young mother of one who teaches 3rd grade and does this on the side. She sent us a preview the same day and we are ecstatic about the pictures. I can't wait to see the rest!