Tuesday, June 14, 2011

6 Week Pediatrician Visit

Baby Jake as we like to call him in this house had his 6 week appointment today with his brother. They both got shots today, Max didn't cry but poor little Jake did. The doctor kept saying how big Jake is. He is in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. Max never got there for weight he always maxed out at the 50th percentile for weight but was the same as Jake in height. Jake weighs 12.9 pounds and is 23 inches long. He is a very very big boy. Poor guy has gotten a bit of a cold from Max who just had Croup. He has a stuffy nose and is still very mucusy but is still eating well and has no fever so we aren't concerned. Our next appointment is his 8 month check up right before we head to California so he can get his shots.

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