Saturday, July 2, 2011

2 Month Pediatrician Visit

Today I took Jake for his 8.5 week appointment since we are leaving for California the day he turns 2 months. He is 24.25 inches long (75%) 14.1 pounds (75%) and his head was in the 50th percentile. The doctor said he looked great but that he has a bit of a flat head from always looking to the right. We need to start giving him more tummy time and holding him and making him look to the left so it can correct itself by 6 months of age or else we will have to put him in a helmet which is $4500 out of pocket. Needless to say we will be giving him a ton of tummy time. He is smiling like a lot and coo-ing so he is reaching all his milestones. He got two shots and an oral dose. He cried for both shots but only for a few seconds until I picked him up. She told me to go home and give him .8 of tylenol and not check his fever. He never developed one but he wasn't himself for the day/night and now has 100.2 fever but seems fine so that is good since we are flying to California tomorrow!

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