Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jake 3 Months

My little Jakorino bambino as I like to call him, or baby Jake as he is known in the house. He is the happiest little guy and always cooing and smiling. He started teething around 2.5 months and is slobbering up a storm, similar to what Max did. He has been fussier than usual and not sleeping much during the day which got me to read a book on sleeping habits. It said to put him down earlier to bed and went into why sleep is so important. I put him down a half hour earlier and he slept 10 hours at a clip with no dream feed. Incredible. We now put him down at 6 or 6:30 depending how what he nap schedule was like during the day. Our nighttime routine consists of a bath and a feed and then he goes down in the my little lamb. We are going to start putting him down in his crib tomorrow night since he hates sleeping in it but he is old enough now and must learn.

He is still eating 4-6 ounces at each feeding and we have switched him back to his regular emfamil from his gentleease formula when he turned three months. He seems to be doing fine on it. Ever since I went back to work Steve has been in charge of the nighttime feedings. Jake has been doing great and goes down at 6:30 and will get up at 4am for a feed since Steve prefers doing that rather than a dream feed. He has had a bit of diarrhea lately, I assume from teething but it doesn't seem to be too bad. He can now hold on to things and still hates tummy time and can't roll over or push himself up. He is getting better with the bjorn as long as he faces outward.

He is just too cute for words and his hair has grown in much faster than Max's did. He reacts to my voice when I'm around and it calms him when he sees my face. His brother still adores him and I can't wait for Jake to be old enough to enjoy his brother.